Lerry William S.

Fast and furious geospatial data mosaic

January 30, 2018

It must be a headache for those who work with satellite images if you have very low specs computer. Plus you got tonnes of images to mosaic. As we know it is a time consuming, but hey..do we have solution for that.

Well, I try to simplify this workflow and implemented it just using GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library). GDAL is a geospatial famous library for reading and writing raster and vector data formats.

We can do all of this by using GDAL VRT (Virtual Format) which allow us to work with virtual data. VRT datasets will be saved into XML format file with extension name *.vrt. So, this will save you a lot of spaces by running only in virtual data and it is a faster way to load many of datasets.

As an example, I will try to mosaic DEM datasets within my file folder (Basically you can use this for any geospatial images, that will be for next tutorial).


In my case, I want to mosaic all the ALOS PALSAR DEM in my folder.

cd \to\your\file\folder
gdalbuildvrt mosaic_dem.vrt *_DSM.tif
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:32649 -r bilinear -of GTiff mosaic_dem.vrt mosaic_dem.tif

So, that is it. Basically, you just mosaic your datasets and save it into Geotiff.