Lerry William S.

Geospatial python environment in Anaconda

April 25, 2019

Geospatial + Python (Anaconda) ? 「(゚ペ)

How to setup python environment specializing in geospatial (GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics, etc.) ? We need python geospatial libraries in order to do analysis and visualization of geospatial data. I will guide you step by step on how to setup your pyhton geospatial environment within Anaconda.

  1. Download Anaconda
    • You can download anaconda from Anaconda website based on your OS.
    • Anaconda comes with Jupyter Notebook and Spyder.
    • Make sure you select and download Anaconda with Python version 3.0 ~ 3.7. Why? because python 2.7 will be no longer maintained in 2020.
  2. Setup environment in Anaconda
    • Run Anaconda Prompt (type and search Anaconda Prompt in Windows startup search box)
    • copy this command to update your Anaconda
     conda update -n base conda
     conda config --add channels conda-forge
     conda update --all

you can deactivate it by using this command(but please do not deactivate it yet, since we still need to install our packages/module):

conda deactivate geopy

OK guys, thats all for this tutorial. Good luck and happy mapping!