Lerry William S.

Geospatial Python Tutorial - Part 1

May 03, 2019

Geospatial Python Tutorial - Part 1

We already setup our python environment in this tutorial, so let move forward to the next step where we going to setup our working directory. For this tutorial I will using Jupyter Notebook, but before that lets setup and prepare our workspace.

First, lets check a list of available environment within Anaconda. From previous tutorial we already created an environment called ‘geopy’. Type this command in the Anaconda terminal to check our environment:

conda env list


As you can see, the output will be a list of available environment. OK, lets activate the ‘geopy’ environment.

conda activate geopy


We are in our ‘geopy’ environment now and next we will create a configuration file jupyter_notebook_config.py. Create this file using following command line:

jupyter notebook --generate-config

Check that file in your home directory, usually for Windows user it is in %userprofile%/.jupyter. In my case it is in C:\Users\lerryw\.jupyter, open jupyter_notebook_config.py and edit the line with # c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir. Remove # sign and write the working directory at the end of the line.


For this tutorial I have created a folder named C:\PythonTutorial and I need the notebook server to be run within this directory.

So now we can start running the Jupyter Notebook by following command line:

jupyter notebook

The notebook server address will be directed to http://localhost:8888/tree and it will open automatically in your favourite browser.

Viola..! now you can start working in Jupyter Notebook.

Create a new notebook by clicking a New button then select Python 3 png